Former Students 

1.- Daniela Pérez Guerrero, Biophysics, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí.

Undergrad thesis defense: April 23, 2018. 

2.- Andrés Ibarra Díaz, Physics, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. 

Undergrad thesis defense: April 21, 2018. Currently working at Iberdrola, Mexico. 


3.- Carmen Lucia Moraila Martinez, MSc student, Institute of Physics, UASLP.

MSc thesis defense: January 11, 2018. Currently working as a Professor at the University of Granada.


4.- Jonathan Josue Elisea Espinoza, Mathematical and Computational Modeling Line, PCI-UASLP.

MSc thesis defense: September 4, 2018. Currently studying a PhD at PCI-UASLP.


5.- Daniela Pérez Guerrero, MSc student, Mathematical and Computational Modeling Line, PCI-UASLP.

MSc thesis defense: July 31, 2020. Currently studying a PhD at the University of Gothenburg.


6.- Gerardo Guerrero Felix, MSc student, Autonomous University of Sinaloa.

MSc thesis defense: July 7, 2020. Currently studying a PhD at the University of Granada.


7.- Gerardo Enriquez Capetillo, Bachelor student on Computer Engineering, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. 

Undergrad thesis defense: February 12, 2021. Currently working at the University of San Luis Potosí.


8.- Federico Monreal Mendez, Bachellor student on Biophysics, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. 

Undergrad thesis defense: July 25, 2021. 


9.- Michelle Adriana Sanchez Avila, Bachellor student on Physics, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. 

Undergrad thesis defense: October 19, 2021.


10.- Federico Monreal Mendez, MSc student, Mathematical and Computational Modeling Line, PCI-UASLP.

MSc thesis defense: January 21, 2022. Currently studying a Computer Sciences PhD at CINVESTAV. 


11.- Jonathan Josue Elisea Espinoza, PhD student (2018-2023), Mathematical and Computational Modeling Line, PCI-UASLP.

PhD thesis defense: May 24, 2023. Currently working as a Postdoctoral researcher at LANIMFE. 


12.- Pilar del Rocio Garcia Delgadillo (2022-2023), Bachelor student on Computer EngineeringUniversity of San Luis Potosí. 

Undergrad thesis defense: June 8, 2023. Currently working as an Intelligent Systems Engineer at Daikin Applied Americas.


13.- Eduardo Rodolfo Rodriguez Gallegos (2022-2023), Bachellor student on Physics, University of San Luis Potosi.

Undergrad thesis defense: June 29, 2023. Currently studying a Computer Sciences MSc at INAOE. 


14.- Miguel Angel de Jesus Pintor Vivanco (2022-2023), Bachellor student on Physics, University of Veracruz.

Undergrad thesis defense: June 7, 2024.

15.- Otilio Enrique Rodriguez Lopez, MSc student (2022-2024), Mathematical and Computational Modeling Line, PCI-UASLP.

 MSc thesis defense: August 21, 2024. Currently studying a PhD at PCI-UASLP.


Current Students

Gloria Namibia Martinez Morales, PhD student (2019-2023), Mathematical and Computational Modeling Line, PCI-UASLP.

Guillermo Guevara Zapata, PhD student (2020-2023) Institute of Physics, UASLP.

Juan Carlos Aviles Sanchez, PhD student (2022-2025), Mathematical and Computational Modeling Line, PCI-UASLP.

José Marcelo Padrón-Zamora, PhD student (2022-2025) Institute of Physics, UASLP.



International collaborators


Mónica Olvera de la Cruz, Northwestern University, USA.


Tao Wei, Howard University, USA.


Carmen Lucia Moraila Martinez, University of Granada, Spain.


Christopher W. Outhwaite, University of Sheffield, UK.


Lutful Bari Bhuiyan, University of Puerto Rico, USA.

Rene van Roij, Utrech University, the Netherlands.

Paul M. Chaikin, New York University, USA.

David G. Grier, New York University, USA.

Roque Hidalgo Álvarez, University of Granada, Spain.

Alberto Martín Molina, University of Granada, Spain.

Manuel Quesada Pérez, University of Jaen, Spain.

Francisco J. Solis, Arizona State University, USA.

Jiaxing Huang, Northwestern University, USA.

Michael Bedzyk, Northwestern University, USA.

Chad Mirkin, Northwestern University, USA.

Marcelo Marucho, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA.

Niels Boon, Northwestern University, USA.

Sumit Kewalramani, Northwestern University, USA.

Stanisław Lamperski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland.


National collaborators

Enrique González Tovar, Institute of Physics, University of San Luis Potosí, México.


Claudio Contreras Aburto, University of Veracruz, México.


Erick Sarmiento, University of Guanajuato, México.


Pedro González Mozuelos, CINVESTAV, México.


Pedro Ezequiel Ramírez González, Institute of Physics, University of San Luis Potosí, México.

Martín Chávez Páez, Institute of Physics, University of San Luis Potosí, México.




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November 29, 2021. From left to right: Gloria Moraila, Jonathan Elisea, Ivan Guerrero,

Enrique Gonzalez, Juan Carlos Aviles, and Federico Monreal.


Group photo at the Institute of Physics of the University of San Luis Potosi.


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November 29, 2021. From left to right: Federico Monreal, Juan Carlos Aviles, Enrique Gonzalez,

Ivan Guerrero, Jonathan Elisea, and Gloria Moraila.

Group photo at the Institute of Physics of the University of San Luis Potosi.


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September 16, 2019. From left to right: Ivan Guerrero, Enrique Gonzalez, Jonathan Elisea,

Gerardo Guerrero, Daniela Perez, Gloria Moraila, and Federico Monreal.

Group photo at the Institute of Physics of the University of San Luis Potosi.